~ VI. Ogha Gocchaka ~
Cluster of Dukas Relating to Whirlpools (Oghas)
Cluster of Dukas Relating to Whirlpools (Oghas)
32. (1) Ogha Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are whirlpools (1156, 1501)
(ii) Dhamma which are not whirlpools
33. (2) Oghaniya Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are objects of whirlpools
(ii) Dhamma which are not objects of whirlpools
34. (3) Ogha Sampayutta Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are associated with whirlpools
(ii) Dhamma which are not associated with whirlpools
35. (4) Ogha Oghaniya Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are whirlpools as well as objects of whirlpools (ii) Dhamma which are objects of whirlpools but are not whirlpools
36. (5) Ogha Ogha Sampayutta Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are whirlpools and are also associated
with whirlpools
(ii) Dhamma which are associated with whirlpools but are not
37. (6) Ogha Vippayutta Oghaniya Duka:
(i) Dhamma which are not associated with whirlpools and yet are
objects of whirlpools
(ii) Dhamma which are neither associated with whirlpools nor are
objects of whirlpools
~ End of the Ogha Gocchaka ~