44. Nivarana Duka:
(i) (1158). What are the dhamma which are hindrances
(to the attainment of Jhana, Magga and Phala)?
There are six kinds of hindrances, namely, the hindrance of sense-desire, the hindrance of ill-will, the hindrance of sloth and torpor, the hindrance of restlessness and worry, the hindrance of uncertainty, and the hindrance of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths).
(1159). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of sense-desire?
There are: sense-desire, attachment to sense pleasures, sensual delight, craving for sense pleasures, sensual love, burning desire for sense pleasures, sensual infatuation, being overwhelmed by sensual craving.
~These are called the hindrance of sense-desire.
(1160). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of ill-will?
Animosity arises (at the thought) 'that something disadvantageous to me has been done', 'that something disadvantageous to me is being done', 'that something disadvantageous to me will be done', 'that something disadvantageous to me will be done'; animosity arises (at the thought) 'that something disadvantageous to one I asteem and love has been done' ...p... is being done ...p... will be done'; animosity arises (at the thought) 'that something advantageous to one I do not esteem and love has been done ...p... is being done ...p... will be done'. Besides, animosity also arises without any cause.
There are in the mind such animosity, strong animosity, hostility, antagonism, indignation, strong indignation, extreme indignation, hatred, strong hatred, extreme hatred, getting upset, getting extremely upset, anger, feeling of anger, being giving to anger, hatred, having hatred, being giving to hatred, being upset, getting upset, being prone to getting upset, opposition, repeated opposition, rudeness, incoherent speech, displeasure.
~This is called the hindrance of ill-will.
(1161). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of sloth and torpor?
There is sloth and there is torpor.
(1162). Of those (two), what is sloth?
There are: indisposition of mind; unpreparedness of mind for good action; sluggishness of mind; stolidity of mind; inertia of mind; inertness of mind; being inert; sloth; being slothful; slothfulness of mind.
~This is called sloth.
(1163). Of those (two), what is torpor?
There are: indisposition of mental concomitants; unpreparedness of mental concomitants for good action; obscurity of mental concomitants; absolute obscurity of mental concomitants; internal blockage of mental concomitants; torpor; sleepiness; drowsiness; being sleepy; the fact of being sleepy.
~This is called torpor.
~ Such is sloth and such is torpor.
This is called the hindrance of sloth and torpor.
(1164). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of restlessness
and worry?
There is restlessness of the mind and there is worry.
(1165). Of those (two), what is restlessness?
There are: restlessness of mind; lack of calm; distraction; and shakiness of mind.
~This is called restless.
(1166). Of those (two), what is worry?
There are: thinking what is proper as improper; thinking what is improper as proper; thinking what is not a fault as a fault; thinking what is a fault as not a fault.
There are such worry, being worried, the fact of being worried, remorse, and sense of guilt gnawing at the mind.
~This is called worry.
~Such is restlessness and such is worry.
This is called the hindrance of restless and worry
(1167). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of uncertainty?
There are: doubt and uncertainty about the Teacher, doubt and uncertainty about the Doctrine, doubt and uncertainty about the Samgha, doubt and uncertainty about the Practice (of sila, samadhi, panna), doubt and uncertainty about past existences, doubt and uncertainty about future existences, doubt and uncertainty about (both) past and future existences, doubt and uncertainty about the relation between cause and effect (as set out) in the Theory of Cause and Effect, (Paticcasamuppada).
There are such doubt, being doubtful, the fact of being doubtful, perplexity, uncertainty, being in two minds, indecisiveness, inability to make up the mind, inability to come to a definite decision, vacillation, hesitation, wavering, mental stiffness caused by indecision, vexation of the mind.
~This is called the hindrance of uncertainty.
(1168). Of those (six hindrances), what is the hindrance of ignorance?
There are: ignorance of dukkha, ignorance of the cause of dukkkha, ignorance of the cessation of dukkha (Nibbana), ignorance of the practioce leading to the cessation of dukkha, ignorance of past existences, ignorance of fututre existences, ignorance of (both) past and future existences, ignorance of the relation between cause and effect (as set out) in the Theory of Cause and Effect (Paticcasamuppada).
There are: ignorance, not seeing (the Truth), incomprehension (of the Truth), lack of proper knowledge (of the Truth), misapprehension (of the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), lack of penetrative knowledge, inability to grasp well (the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), inability to grasp completely (the Truth as it really is), inability to view correctly (the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), inability to reflect properly, inability to distinguish between right and wrong, that which destroys purity of mind, foolishness, lack of clear comprehension, bewilderment, intense bewilderment, absolute bewilderment, lack of comprehension of the Four Ariya Truths, whirlpool of ignorance, yoke of ignorance, potential ignorance, upsurge of ignorance, barrier of ignorance, bewilderment which is the root cause of demeritoriousness.
~This is called the hindrance of ignorance.
~These are the dhamma which are hindrances
(i) (1503). What are the dhamma which are hindrances
(to the attainment of Jhanas, Maggas and Phalas)?
There are: six kinds of hindrances, namely, the hindrance of sensual desire, the hindrance of ill-will, the hindrance of sloth and torpor, the hindrance of restlessness and worry, the hindrance of uncertainty, and the hindrance of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths).
The hindrance of sensual desire arises in eight thoughts associated with greed.
The hindrance of ill-will arises in two thoughts associated with distress.
The hindrance of sloth and torpor arises in prompted demeritorious thoughts.
The hindrance of restlessness arises in thought associated with restlessness.
The hindrance of worry arises in two thoughts associated with distress.
The hindrance of uncertainty arises in thought associated with uncertainty.
The hindrance of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths) arises in all demeritorious thoughts.
~These are the dhamma which are hindrances.