18. Asava Asavasampayutta Duka:
(i) (1114). What are the dhamma which are asavas and are also
associated with asavas?
The defilement of sensuous desire is itself an asava, and because of the defilement of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths, it is also associated with an asava. The defilement of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths is itself an asava, and because of the defilement of sensuous desire it is also associated with an asava.
The defilement of hankering after better (Fine material, Non-material) existences is itself as asava, and because of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths it is also associated with an asava. The defilement of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths is itself an asava, and because of the defilement of hankering after better existences it is also associated with an asava.
The defilement of clinging to false views is itself an asava, and because of the defilement of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths it is also associated with as asava. The defilement of ignorance of the Four Ariya Truths is itself an asava, and because of the defilement of clinging to false views it is also associated with an asava.
~These are the dhamma which are asavas and are also associated
with asavas.
(i) (1473). What are the dhamma which are asavas and are also
associated with asavas?
There are: two or three asavas which arise simultaneously with a certain thought.
~These are the dhamma which are asavas and are also associated with asavas.