14. Asava Duka:
(i) (1102). What are the dhamma which are asavas
(defilements that befuddle the mind)?
There are four kinds of asavas (defilements that befuddle the mind), viz., the defilement of sensuous desire, the defilement of hankering after better (Fine material Sphere, Non-material Sphere) existences, the defilement of clinging to false views, and the defilement of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths).
(1103). Of those (four kinds of asavas), what is the defilment of
sensuous desire?
There are: sense-desire, attachment to sense pleasures, sensual delight, craving for sense pleasures, sensual love, burning desire for sense pleasures, sensual infatuation, being overwhelmed by sensual craving.
~These are called the defilement of sensuous desire.
(1104). Of those (four kinds of asavas), what is the defilement of
hankering after better existences?
There are: longing for existences in the Fine Material Sphere and in the Non-material Sphere, attachment to existence, delight in existence, craving for existence, love for existence, burning desire for existence, infatuation for existence, being overwhelmed by desire for existence.
~These are called the defilement of hankering after better existences.
(1105). Of those (four kinds of asavas), what is the defilement of clinging
to false views?
There are: the wrong view that 'the world (i.e., the five aggregates) is eternal,' or that 'the world is not eternal'; that 'the world is finite', or that 'the world is infinite'; that 'the soul is the same as the body', or 'the soul is one thing and the body is another'; that 'a sentient being exists after death', or that 'a sentient being does not exist after death'; that 'a sentient being does as well as does not exist after death', or that 'a sentient being neither exist nor does not exist after death'.
~This is called the defilement of clinging to false views.
(1106). Of those (four kinds of asavas), what is ignorance
(of the Four Ariya Truths)?
There are: ignorance of dukkha, ignorance of the cause of dukkkha, ignorance of the cessation of dukkha (Nibbana), ignorance of the practice leading to the cessation of dukkha, ignorance of past existences, ignorance of future existences, ignorance of (both) past and future existences, ignorance of the relation between cause and effect (as set out) in the Theory of Cause and Effect (Paticcasamuppada).
There are: ignorance, not seeing (the Truth), incomprehension (of the Truth), lack of proper knowledge (of the Truth), misapprehension (of the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), lack of penetrative knowledge, inability to grasp well (the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), inability to grasp completely (the Truth as it really is), inability to view correctly (the impermanent, etc. nature of phenomena), inability to reflect properly, inability to distinguish between right and wrong, that which destroys purity of mind, foolishness, lack of clear comprehension, bewilderment, intense bewilderment, absolute bewilderment, lack of comprehension of the Four Ariya Truths, whirlpool of ignorance, yoke of ignorance, potential ignorance, upsurge of ignorance, barrier of ignorance, bewilderment which is the root cause of demeritoriousness.
~These are called the defilement of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths).
~These are the dhamma which are asavas
(defilements that befuddle the mind).
(i) (1465). What are the dhamma which are asavas
(defilements that befuddle the mind)?
There are: four kinds of asavas, namely, the defilement of sensuous desire, the defilement of hankering after better existences (such as in the Fine Material Sphere and the Non-material Sphere), the defilement of clinging to false views, the defilement of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths).
The defilement of sensuous desire arises together with eight thoughts associated with greed; the defilement of hankering after better existences arises together with four thoughts associated with greed but not associated with wrong view; the defilement of clinging to false view arises together with four thoughts (associated with greed) associated with wrong view; and the defilement of ignorance (of the Four Ariya Truths) arises together with all demeritorious thoughts.
~These are the dhamma which are asavas.