9. Sanidassana Duka:
(ii) (1094). What are the dhamma which are not visible?
There are: Eye-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Eye-consciousness, Ear-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Ear-consciousness, Nose-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Nose-consciousness, Tongue-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Tongue-consciousness, Body-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Body-consciousness, Sound which causes the arising of Ear-consciousness, Odour which causes the arising of Nose-consciousness, Taste which causes the arising of Taste-consciousness, Tangible Object which causes the arising of Body-consciousness; the aggregate of Sensation, the aggregate of Perception, the aggregate of Volitional Activities, and the aggregate of Consciousness; there is also Corporeality which is not visible, which arises without impingement and which is included in the Corporeality that causes the arising of Mind-consciousness; and also the Unconditioned Element (Nibbana).
~These are the dhamma which are not visible.
(ii) (1458). What are the dhamma which are not visible?
There are: Eye-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Eye-consciousness, Ear-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Ear-consciousness, Nose-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Nose-consciousness, Tongue-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Tongue-consciousness, Body-sensitivity which is the sense-base of Body-consciousness, Sound which causes the arising of Ear-consciousness, Odour which causes the arising of Nose-consciousness, Taste which causes the arising of Taste-consciousness, Tangible Object which causes the arising of Body-consciousness; (21) meritorious thoughts of the four spheres; (12) meritorious thoughts; (36) resultants of the four spheres; (20 types of) non-causative action, which are neither meritorious nor demeritorious of the three spheres; there is also Corporeality which is not visible, which is without impingement and which is included in the arising of Mind-consciousness; and there is also Nibbana.
~These are the dhamma which are not visible.